Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

In chemical engineering, the efficient use of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and economics is the key to a successful design of complex and large-scale production chains. Detailed process knowledge can unlock hidden potentials in an existing production chain or plant design.

Virtual modeling of individual processes can be performed at early planning stages. It yields design proposals or optimized process parameters in an existing production chain.

With MESHFREE, we offer a virtualization tool able to generate detailed knowledge of individual process steps governed by fluid dynamical and thermo-dynamical phenomena through simulation. Also, Non-Newtonian fluids can be considered.  Possible applications include:

  • Static and dynamic mixing and stirring processes
  • Mold filling processes – possibly with expansion of the considered fluids

MESHFREE Use Cases – Chemical Engineering

Static Mixing

Static mixers, such as Kenics mixers, consist of multiple helical units in series. The flow field inside the mixer disperses the phases. Minor changes in design or boundary conditions can have a major impact on the mixing result. A MESHFREE simulation can provide a design analysis before the first prototype is built. Engineers can draw valuable conclusions by evaluating the expected degree of dispersion from the simulation results. Also, the mixing result can of course be graphically analyzed.

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Dynamic Mixing and Stirring

Unlike static mixers, dynamic mixers and stirrers create the flow field for the mixing process by moving stirring paddles. In contrast to mesh-based methods, MESHFREE is able to handle the rapidly moving geometry in a natural way and the user can integrate movements very intuitively into the simulation.

In order to illustrate the mixing process, the fluids are virtually colored.



Mold Filling

Mold filling processes arise in a lot of industrial applications. The considered fluids are often Non-Newtonian and subject to temperature driven expansion and cure processes, such as polymer melt injection molding. Frequent questions in that context are:

  • Is the casting mold suitable for the intended process?
  • Can the process parameters be optimized such that no waste is produced?

MESHFREE is a tool to support the analysis virtually. A specialized algorithm can also model enclosures without the need to incorporate an additional phase for air.

Mold Filling
Mold Filling
Mold Filling
Mold Filling
Mold Filling
Mold Filling